My artistic practice focuses on the intersection of life, science and technology, my works include bio media, tech-sculpture, multimedia and site-specific installations. For me it is a collaborative effort that involves working alongside living and non-living organisms to explore their potential as interconnected entities and create new forms of infrastructure and resilience in the face of social and ecological crises. I work in a ‘kitchen’ lab studio environment, in this case for Rossonove a moving/nomad kind of lab where I will be working with soil and humans.
My project consists of the development of experimental poems made from the analysis of soil chromatograms and the meaning that soil/home has to the people from a vineyard in Pietra Ligure. The idea is to collect soil samples from different areas of the vineyard in Ranzi to turn them into soil chromatograms that will be analysed to help us understand what is really going on in the soil’s composition. I will also interview the people who live in the hamlet and work in the vineyard, both word analyses will result in an ecopoem. My main interest is to learn how are people connected to the vineyard, the soil they have inhabited, and even laboured with their very own hands. The project is a conversation between the farmer and soil, emphasising the connection, labour and their relationship, and finalising in an alliance based on cooperation and reciprocity; an intersection through ecopoetics to help us enhance and move on to more sustainable practices by combining scientific and social narratives.
consumo di suolo ZERO

i love it, hansko